This is the second installment of "Second Circuit Orders." I am pleased to announce that Second Circuit's ECF system does allow the public to learn when COA motions have been decided. One gap in the Pending Second Circuit Cases has now been closed.
MARCH 2010
10-280-pr, Letizia v. Walker, Authorization to file second or
successive petition denied (3/03/10)
10-283-pr, Evans v. Brown, Authorization to file second or successive petition denied (3/15/10)
10-002-pr, Keeling v. Klopotoski, Authorization to file second or successive petition denied (3/15/10)
10-120-pr, Simmons v. People of the State of New York, Authorization to file
second or
successive petition denied (3/15/10)
10-591-pr, Tirado v. Senkowski, Authorization to file second or successive petition denied (3/23/10)
10-407-pr, Ubiles v. People of the State of New York, Authorization to file second or successive petition denied (3/23/10)
10-159-pr, Lacewell v. Berbary, Dismissing Appeal for Lack of Jurisdiction and Denying Motion for COA as Moot (3/25/10)
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