I am happy to announce a new feature here at the habeascorpusblog.
At the end of each month, I will provide a list of all the Second Circuit orders issued in habeas appeals during that month.
Well, I won't give ALL of them. I'll leave out the orders granting or denying motions for an extension of time and the like.
But I will be listing orders related to such things as: motions for certificates of appealability, requests for authorization to file a second or successive petition, writs of mandamus, original proceedings, and whatever other substantive matter may pop up.
I must give a great big shout out to the Second Circuit for finally, finally switching over to the ECF system, which is making all this possible. The new system allows you to search the Court's orders. It's a great technological step forward for the court. One of my biggest complaints has been that I had no real way of learning about the court's COA grants. Well, now I do. I still think that orders granting certificates of appealability should be publicly posted somewhere. I worry that my PACER bills are going to be through the roof. But at least I have quick access to these now. I am hoping that this will be comprehensive, but I guess I can't really guarantee that. I'll give it a few months to see how it's working.
And I am going to call this feature: Second Circuit Orders.
Here's the first one:
January/February 2010
10-11-pr, Ali v. Brown, Authorization to file second or successive petition denied (1/25/10)
10-334-pr, Nash v. McGinnis, Authorization to file second or successive petition denied; original proceedings denied (2/24/10)
10-402-pr, Hogan v. West, Authorization to file second or successive petition denied (2/24/10)
10-115-pr, Backman v. Lee, Authorization to file second or successive petition denied (2/24/10)
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